bump update :: week 24

Week 24

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Symptoms :: Rylie loves to move! She used to only move right when I woke up and right before I went to sleep, but now she likes to move throughout the day too. Sleep has been really rough for me this week as well.

Food Aversions :: Nothing specific.

Food Cravings :: Random dinners. One night I craved Chicken Teriyaki and another night all I wanted was Chicken Pasta Alfredo.

Sleep :: Is sleep a thing? 😛 haha but really – sleep has been so rough for me lately. Usually it’s just not feeling rested when I wake up. Then it progressed to waking up often throughout the night, and it was topped this morning with waking up at 4:20am and not being able to fall back asleep (so I just got up).

Looking Forward To :: Rylie will be here in less then 4 months (um, what!? 😀 ), so I’ve been mapping out what needs to get done between now and then. I’m looking forward to all of it 🙂

Baby Purchases :: Nothing this week.

Fun Stories :: Aaron and I were hanging out the other night and I was reminded that he had never heard Veggie Tales Silly Songs with Larry’s Belly Button song (just one of my all time favorites 😛 ), so I found it on YouTube. While he was watching it, Rylie unexpectedly started moving a ton! We like to think she was dancing 🙂