officially accepted

Last night, Aaron and I heard our phones ding and we opened them to see what the reason was. We both had received an email from Highlands College (the Bible College that is ran by Church of the Highlands). They both read something like this –

“Congratulations! You have been officially accepted into our Evening Program at Highlands College for the Fall 2016 semester.”


WHHAAATTT!?!?!?! 😀

So this fall, Aaron and I will officially be starting college together! 🙂


The journey to these emails have not been an easy one, but we know that God’s hand has been on it the whole time and we are so grateful and excited to start this next chapter in our lives!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to start researching where I can get a few school supplies for cheap (oh my gosh – that sounds so weird. I haven’t bought school supplies in 5+ years…. 😛 wish me luck 😉 )