photo sessions + kitty cuddles

SATURDAY I had a forest wedding themed styled shoot scheduled (“styled shoot” just means that I contacted other vendors to donate theirΒ talentΒ – I.E. flowers, calligraphy, cake, etc – to create a mock-wedding to photograph). My goal was to get it published as well. Unfortunately, my models had a family emergency last minute and had to cancel. Luckily, my friend Kaitlyn (my co-counselor with my 1st graders + the friend that took puppy Gannon) came over & we did a mini photo shoot of her with Gannon.


Pet photography is really tough (for me anyway) but she loved every photo which made me happy!


After that I went to go take a mini-family session for their Christmas cards. They had a 2yr old and she was not interested in staying still for photos, but I got a couple really cute ones and that makes me happy! πŸ™‚


SUNDAY Aaron & I went to get our Christmas tree – & you can read all about it here.


MONDAY Katara had an appointment to get spayed (because there is no way I am dealing with her having kittens if I can help it!). I dropped her off super early & Aaron picked her up late-afternoon. She was really drowsy but overall doing good. She was all about those cuddles which was fine by us πŸ™‚


TUESDAY I finally had some time that I could think & I decided I couldn’t let the beautiful flower arrangement that was made for my styled shoot go to waste, so Aaron grabbed my camera & I “modeled” to show off the flowers. I posted one of them to my photography Instagram account & tagged HotHouse Design Studio who made the flowers, AND THEY REPOSTED IT TO THEIR PAGE!!!!!! πŸ˜€ I got so excited when I saw it! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€


WEDNESDAY the cold I had been fighting took over me full-swing so I didn’t get anything done. Well, unless you call watching the Part 1 & Part 2 of Star Wars getting something done haha πŸ˜‰ But Katara was still all about those snuggles which was great for me πŸ˜›



Can I just take a minute to say that this time next week, I’ll be in Seattle πŸ˜€ I am so excited!!!!!! Can’t wait!