bump update :: week 28

Week 28


Symptoms :: My lower back hurts at some point pretty much every day now. I’m still working on figuring out ways to relieve it. Also, the options of which of my “normal” clothes (pre-pregnancy clothes I used to be able to squeeze into even though I’ve been pregnant) are dwindling VERY QUICKLY! I am finding myself being forced to wear only maternity clothes, unless I want my belly poking out. 😛

Food Aversions :: Nothing specific.

Food Cravings :: O’Charley’s bread rolls and mangoes (both of which I got to have 🙂 ).

Sleep ::  It’s still not too bad. I have to get up 1 or 2 times a night to use the bathroom and I wake up throughout to turn over.

Looking Forward To :: Planning our maternity pictures. We’re going to take them in mid-September.

Baby Purchases :: A couple onsies & a diaper (yes, just one diaper. I’ll explain more later 😉 ).

Fun Stories :: Our girl LOVES to move, and her kicks / punches are no joke. She’s definitely very strong and likes to prove it. My favorite memory from this week is when she was being pretty active and I had Aaron put his hands on my tummy. She basically boxer-punched him (1, 2 – 1, 2, etc) for a good bit and his face the whole time was filled with pure excitement as he felt each kick / punch.