packing for Seattle

I leave on my 10 day trip to Seattle tonight!


I’ll tell you right now that time went by so much faster then I thought it would – & I knew it’d go fast.


Last night I packed my bags, and being a gril, I can tell you right now I probably packed too much (however, I didn’t have to sit on my suitcase to shut it, so that’s good! 😉 )

For starters, I picked out the clothes I wanted to wear & then laid them out on the couch.


I packed a lot of long-sleeve shirts + hoodies! 😛

After my clothes were set, I picked out the shoes I wear the most (& consequently, go with the most outfits that I picked out).


When it came time to actually pack my suitcases, I put my shoes in first. BAM! Half of my bag is already full. Dangit. So I started cramming my folded jeans / leggings into the suitcase as well. I get my 2nd pair of jeans in when I realized I should probably roll my clothes to assure everything would fit. So, I took out the handful of clothing articles I had shoved in there and rolled them. Sure enough, I had a bit more room.

Packing is just adult Tetris! 😉

After I had gotten each part of my closet packed || shoes – pants – shirts – undergarments – hang up clothes || I moved on to my carry-on.

It’s kind of a given that I’d pack my camera, so that affects which bag I take. Luckily, at the beginning of the summer, Aaron surprised me with a gift – a backpack that is also a camera bag.

I laid everything out that I was going to put in my carry-on || a snack (I’m sure I’ll grab more before I walk out of the house though) – empty water bottle – wallet – makeup bag – headphones – journal – Bible – pencil case with pens, colored pencils + “Wreck This Journal – EVERYWHERE” book – ipad – polaroid – polaroid film – Canon Rebel T6i – zoom lens – camera battery charger – SD cards ||


All that to say, I’m all packed & ready for my flight. + since I packed last night, I have the full day to spend with my hubbie! <3


See ya in Seattle!