bump update :: week 30

Week 30


Symptoms :: My leg muscles feel tight often or they completely fall asleep at random times. I’m pretty sure they fall asleep because Rylie is on a nerve, but if I move around it goes away pretty quickly. As for my muscles, I do some stretches (which feel AMAZING!) and it loosens them up.

Food Aversions :: Nothing specific.

Food Cravings :: Sadly, this week’s cravings could not be satisfied because I craved food from restaurants that are only in Washington… 🙁 Taco Time, Taco Del Mar, and one other that I’m blanking on the name of. I also craved those Coffee Cake Muffins from Costco. Even though we have a Costco here, we don’t have a membership, so that’s a bummer.

Sleep ::  For the most part, it’s been good. I wake up at least once to go to the bathroom and whenever I roll over I wake myself up, but I usually sleep well otherwise. At least one day a week I’ll wake up at 4am and can’t fall back asleep so those are just longer days for me.

Looking Forward To :: This weekend is our BabyMoon (a vacation before the baby comes) and we’re really excited. In fact, we’re leaving as soon as I hit “Publish” on this post 😉

Baby Purchases :: Nothing this week.

Fun Stories :: As usual, she moves around constantly! I can tell she’s getting bigger too so she is closer to the outside of my belly. That being said, if I rest my arm on my belly too long, she’ll push it off. Pretty firmly too. Hahaha it’s actually very humorous to watch.