Week 36
Symptoms :: Do I look tired in the picture above? haha that’s because I am. Doesn’t matter how much rest I get, I always seem to be tired. My appetite has gone down significantly, so I snack a lot or eat small meal portions. I’m a slow walker and I definitely waddle. If I move too fast (or do anything too fast), I don’t feel good, so I have to take my time with pretty much everything.
Food Aversions :: Nothing specific
Food Cravings :: Nothing specific
Sleep :: Lately I’ve been sleeping really well (praise God!), but I will still wake up feeling like I could sleep more…
Looking Forward To :: At this point, all I’m looking forward to is our baby girl arriving in less than a month (fingers crossed)
Baby Purchases :: Just a couple crib sheets from the thrift store. We couldn’t pass them up – they were only a $1.
Fun Stories :: At the beginning of the pregnancy (the 1st trimester), I could wear my everyday clothes. 2nd trimester was a mix of my everyday clothes and some maternity clothes. By the end of the 2nd trimester and into the 3rd, I was wearing full on maternity clothes. Now, I’m having a hard time fitting into most of my maternity clothes (mainly my belly won’t completely fit under the shirts), so if I’m going pretty much anywhere other than school or church, I’m wearing one of Aaron’s shirts 😛