a long weekend visit

My mom got to come down for a 5 day stay. She flew in to the Birmingham airport on THURSDAY (3.2.17) and stayed until TUESDAY (2.7.17). It was fun to see her interact with Rylie now that she was more responsive and playful.

It was a busy 5 days, that’s for sure. We ended up doing a variety of things, such as ::

  • hanging out at the house
  • going to the grocery store
  • getting our nails done together (it was her birthday present to me)
  • doing some shopping for Rylie
  • celebrating my birthday
  • going on a hike



  • spending all morning at church on Sunday
  • babysitting Rylie and spending time with Rick & Michelle while Aaron & I were at small group
  • having dinner with our friends
  • going bowling for tribe night


  • exploring our property – including the lake in our backyard


Both mom and I agreed it was the perfect amount of time for a visit, and I’m so glad she got to spend some more quality time with Rylie.