a summer to refocus

Somewhat unintentionally, last year I came up with a word / vibe for the summer and it turned out to be a regular (needed) reminder to myself. I loved it!

Well, I did the same for this year, and this summer’s theme is a spinoff of my word for the year (FOCUS)-


These first 5 months of the year have been very full. Full of good things, but I also felt myself not at peace, and that’s not good.

So I asked God to help me refocus. To show me what I needed to really, truly prioritize. And what I needed to let go of.

Since Summer seems to naturally bring a change of schedule and pace, I decided to label this “a summer to REfocus.” And I think it’s perfect.

If you’re struggling to narrow down where your attention goes, ask yourself these questions –

  1. “What am I doing that God hasn’t called me to do?”
  2. “What brings me joy and peace?”
  3. “What brings me stress, disappointment or feeling overwhelmed?”

When you ask and listen (really, truly listen), God will speak to you. And you might be surprised what He says…

what are you striving for this summer?

2 Replies to “a summer to refocus”

  1. […] we are steadily having so much fun in the midst of commitments and it is so filling for our souls. I’ve claimed this summer one to refocus and I can honestly say we’re hitting the […]

  2. […] labeled these past few months “a summer to refocus,” and man – was it so good! Most days I took inventory of how I was feeling in a moment […]

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