Life Update over here for the Shaver Crew – Aaron tested positive for Covid.
We are thankful to report Aaron has never had a fever and only lost taste for a couple days. He is currently saying he is extra tired and coughs frequently. In comparison to his “normal cough” when he is under the weather, he says this one is fairly mild (comparatively).
We believe he contracted it from his parents when we were staying with them while our AC was getting repaired. Towards the end of our stay, Michelle was feeling horrible and kept herself to her bedroom. She tested positive, which lead Aaron to tell his boss he had been exposed. He was immediately sent home and informed not to return until his test was negative.
He took a test the next day and shortly after received the results that he was, indeed, positive.
In the meantime, he has quarantined himself to our bedroom and is basically treated like a prisoner 😛 I leave food and water on a table by the door and he sets his dirty dishes and/or trash there for me to collect. I’m sleeping in our living room and keeping the girls at a distance. Which is hard for Rylie who absolutely thrives off hugging and kissing her daddy – but she understands he’s not feeling good and doesn’t like the idea of being sick herself.
Aaron and I have tapped into our long-distance days (back when we were dating) and have enjoyed a couple activities from our separate rooms.
As for me, I’m feeling normal. Tired and run-down (but to be fair, I’m kinda single-mommying & taking care of Aaron) but otherwise fine. We’ve obviously self-quarantined ourselves to our home and honestly have somewhat enjoyed the time to slow down and play together.
Continually claiming protection, healing and thanking God for caring so deeply for our family.
Love you guys. Thank you for sharing and for your NOT sharing as well!!! 😂
Tell Aaron I am praying for him!
thanks Maria! hope you’re doing well.
I pray he is feeling better and made whole.
thank you 🙂