activity bins for toddlers

Next week we’ll be starting school and I’m trying to get as prepared as I can to make my life easier. Homeschooling is no joke, especially when you’re homeschooling a Kindergartener + caring for two toddlers and an infant. I’m already tired just thinking about it.

I needed something that would keep two toddlers busy while I homeschooled, and shoutout to Pinterest for sharing the idea of a morning basket / morning boxes. I fell in love with the idea, and with my own spin, I created 8 bins that I believe will best fit our family.

I got the bins from WalMart and pulled most of the box’s contents from around our house (think knick-knacks that don’t really have a place in your playroom). Whatever we didn’t have, I purchased from the Dollar Store.

If you’re wanting to make your own boxes, let me share with you the staple items that are in each box:

+coloring book / some kind of creative art activity


+card game (matching card games mostly)



But you can obviously put whatever you want in.

My plan is to start our learning time with Rylie (Kindergarten) while Emmaline (3yrs) and Paisley (almost 2yrs) do an activity box (I’m thinking one for each of them, but somedays I might have them share). Once Rylie is done with her Kindergarten lessons, she will switch with Emmaline.

As the school year progresses, I plan on switching out some of the boxes with themes (think holiday specific).

I hope you find some inspiration with this and it serves your family well!

If you end up putting one together, would you share it on Instagram and tag me? I’d love to see it ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. […] You can check out what I’m doing for Activity Boxes on this post. […]

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