adoption profile book photos – behind the scenes

One of our next steps in our adoption journey is putting together the profile book. The profile book is like a biography of Aaron, me and the kids but full of photos of our family, posed and candid.

This is the book the expectant mother will be handed and she will look through ours (and others) to determine who she wants to give her child to. It’s a vital part of our adoption journey.

We hired someone to put this book together for us because it has to be done a very specific way and it’s just outside my knowledge and comfort level to try to conquer myself. We really do not want to mess this up because it’s so pivital. She sent us a list of photos she needs + other information we need to have together for her. She requested some of the photos we provide be from our own library (like pictures I take on my phone of our day-to-day), but some needed to be professional.

I was mentioning this to some friends and was blown away with gratitude when a friend of mine from church, who is an incredible photographer, offered to take our photos. We got a date on the calendar and she came over to photograph us in our home.

If you watched us from the outside, it was kind of humorous. We pulled a few staple activities out for the kids (playing with magnets, playing with the train set, being in the kitchen, reading, doing homeschool and being outside).

The poor kids wanted to do each activity for so much longer than we actually did but we gave them enough time to get good photos and then we redirected them to the next thing ;P

Our friend was so good with the kiddos and got genuine smiles from each of them (including Aaron and me).

I actually just received the pictures and I’m so excited to share my favorites with you in my next post! I’m 100% making a photo album of my own with just these photos because they are gold!