adventure time

SATURDAY I went to a Christmas Bizarre with Michelle, MeeMaw, & a couple of Michelle’s friends from work. I made sure to pack some things in my purse that were “just for me” – including my polaroid camera (which I took 2 pictures during our trip 🙂 )

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It was crazy packed, far more than any of us had anticipated. We enjoyed walking around though & seeing all the little shops that had set up in hopes of selling some of their merchandise. I assume they all were very successful solely based on the crazy amount of customer’s each station had. I have to admit, not all of it suited my taste. But that’s okay – “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure” 🙂

Throughout the event, it poured rain (my favorite!). After our day was done & we were walking to our car, I snagged a “rainy day” picture.

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MONDAY I had a coffee date with a husband & wife photography team. I was so excited to meet them and we had a great conversation. Before we knew it, an hour & a half went by. It’s been great being able to connect with fellow photographers in the Birmingham area!


TUESDAY I concluded one of my favorite journals. Yup, I filled it to the very last page. This journal in particular has been documenting my life since May 2015. It has memories of my last day at my job in Seattle, our final days living there, our road trip across the country, and the first 4 1/2 months living here in Alabama. I was a little sad to finish it, but let’s be real, I’m just going to get another one 😛


WEDNESDAY was Veteran’s Day, so I didn’t have After School Care & Aaron wasn’t scheduled at Starbucks. The fact that we both had a full day off is (unfortunately) uncommon, so we seized the opportunity & took a little trip to see something new – Noccalula Falls in Gadsden Alabama.

It’s a stunning waterfall (yeah, you wouldn’t expect to see one of those in Alabama 😛 ) which has a pretty trick story attached – The legend of Cherokee Indian Princess Noccalula dates from antiquity in the regions of northeast Alabama, U.S., where the Cherokee nation once thrived. According to legend, Princess Noccalula was the beautiful daughter of a powerful Cherokee chief and was deeply in love with a brave from her own tribe. Despite her wishes to marry this young warrior, she was promised by her father to a Creek Indian chief who had more bounty to offer for her hand. Her lover was banished from the tribe, and Noccalula was forced to ready herself for the arranged marriage. On the day of the wedding she allowed herself to be arrayed in ceremonial attire and obediently but reluctantly attended the marriage feast. In the midst of the merrymaking, Noccalula quietly slipped away and wandered through the forests of her childhood, coming eventually to the beautiful waterfall near her tribal home. Rather than subject herself to a loveless marriage, she jumped from the precipice near the falls and ended her life on the rocks below.”

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Aaron & I had so much fun enjoying the view!

20151111_11402920151111_114102 20151111_114040 But we weren’t satisfied just looking at it from above, so we climbed down behind the falls 😀

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+ we left our mark there –


Even though it only took up half the day, it was great and we really needed that time together doing something we both love – adventuring!

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Oh yeah, a short film was made of our trip. This is probably one of my favorite ones so far 😉


Now, it’s Thursday morning & I’m about to get some photography business stuff done.

Have a good one 🙂