april 2020 reads

I’m excited to share with you my April 2020 reads today.

Similar to last month, I’m including the chapter books I read to my girls because yes that counts πŸ˜‰

I’ll share the links to the books in case you want to grab your own copy, but check your libraries (free!) or local used book stores (typically extremely discounted). 

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Magic Treehouse Series – Book 4 – Pirates Before Noon

We continued reading this series this month and the girls loved listening to this story while they played outside.

Magic Treehouse Series – Book 5 – Night of the Ninjas

The girls found this one a little harder to be interested in (probably because they don’t know what ninjas are), but they loved the little mouse that made its appearance in this book.

Magic Treehouse Series – Book 6 – Afternoon on the Amazon

We all really enjoyed this book. Lots of interaction with various Amazon animals.

The Return of the Indian, The Secret of the Indian, The Master of the Cupboard

All three of these books were a part of The Indian and the Cupboard series from my childhood and they did not disappoint. Of course, I blurred some things, made some parts up and forgot a good deal of the story so I really enjoyed turning these pages!

Divine Direction

My first read of Craig Groeschel’s work and I’m a fan. I love the realness and vulnerability he incorporates with his knowledge + wisdom. I have half a shelf worth of other books he’s written and I’m excited to get into them.