at the hospital with emmaline

Emmaline’s birth story was so different from Rylie’s birth story, and each hospital stay was different as well.


After Emmaline’s rapid entrance into the world, I was quickly reminded the first night of our hospital stay that newborns do not sleep through the night, and despite the seemingly endless amount of energy I seemed to have after delivering Emmaline (which I can assure you was purely adrenaline :P), it didn’t last long and the 2 hours of sleep I got that first night was evident on my face the next day.


Since my body knew what labor & delivery was like, I feel like my recovery was easier. I was much more mobile and was willing to have visitors (unlike my first time where I didn’t want anyone there).


Rick & Michelle visited, along with my mom who flew in from Seattle just for Emmaline’s arrival.


Amberlyn and her fiancé, Ryan, popped in for a few minutes as well on their lunch break.


I emailed my boss a picture of Emmaline to let them know we were doing well and they were really kind and sent me flowers in addition to sending out an email announcement to the staff.


And on our last night at the hospital, my girl Kendyl came with her fiancé , Zac.



But I feel like Rylie was the real guest of honor ❤️






Rylie Annalise 💕 Emmaline Victoria

Even though we loved seeing our girls together, it was so helpful to have family watch Rylie for those couple days we were in the hospital so we could soak up some one-on-one time with Emmaline.



When Thursday (4.5.18) morning came, we were so hopeful they’d let us go home. Thankfully, we got the “all clear” mid-morning so by 11am we were signing discharge papers and loading our stuff into the car.



I loved all the doctors and nurses we got to interact with while we were at the hospital. They were all so kind and I was so appreciative of how they cared for me and my family!


To wrap this post up, I wanted to share the vlog I made sharing Emmaline’s birth.