Happy 4-Year Blog-iversary, The Shaver Crew! 😀 blog posts to date: 698 total views to date: 9,726 Blogging really wasn’t something I saw myself getting into. I didn’t feel interesting enough to have a blog that people actually read. But after plunging into the deep end back on August 18th of 2015 and launching “The Shaver […]
Author: sarahmshaver
- being sarah
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my usborne books & more consultant story
I am so excited to share my Usborne Books & More story with you today! I know a lot of multi-level marketing companies have put a bad taste in people’s mouths, and I’ll be honest and say after being a consultant for one MLM, I ended up leaving with lots of frustration and swore I […]
bump update :: 33 weeks
Week 33: Symptoms :: Braxton Hicks are still a thing and so is cramping. I’ve also noticed I’m a little more emotional this week. And I feel more thirsty. Food Aversions :: nothing specific Food Cravings :: nothing specific Sleep :: I wake up multiple times a night and get up to use the bathroom once usually between […]
the new wooden train table
Back in February, I wrote a post called “The Wooden Train Table” and shared photos of Rylie playing with a train table and memories I had of playing with the train set I had growing up. I also shared that I was looking forward to purchasing a train set for Rylie one day. Several weeks […]
- being sarah
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our summer 2019 book haul (that we got for free!)
One of the things I love about Usborne Books & More is the opportunity to get free book hauls just for sharing the books online with your friends. Based on sales, you can earn Hostess Rewards which equals a dollar amount in free books. I cashed in on one at the end of July and […]
bath time struggles and victories
Isn’t it interesting how siblings can be so different? I don’t have any memories of Rylie not enjoying bath time or water in general. She has always been our little fish and whether she’s splashing in the bathtub or swimming at the lake, she loves it. Emmaline, on the other hand, the majority of my […]
bump update :: 32 weeks
Week 32: Symptoms :: I’ve had a couple brief braxton hicks moments which has been grreeeeaaatttt (do you hear my sarcasm?) and I can’t seem to eat enough at lunchtime. Heartburn started to regularly occur shortly after dinner and right before bed. I remember getting this a lot with Emmaline (I didn’t get it much with […]
- being rylie
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rylie’s first day of preschool + our curriculum plan
Rylie constantly impresses us with how quickly she picks things up, and with her turning 3-years-old this November, we decided it was time to start some light school work in addition to her daily learning of the world around her. Of course I went all out and took pictures of her. She was all about […]
best books for babies – usborne books & more
It wasn’t long ago that our home library was pitiful. And by “pitiful” I mean half a shelf of books that were not baby friendly. At all. I wasn’t enticed to read to our new baby girl because we simply didn’t have the right books. And then I got my very first Usborne Book and […]
bump update :: 31 weeks
Week 31: Symptoms :: My back hurting has been my biggest thing this week. I also feel like I have a huge appetite throughout the day but after dinner I would normally have a snack but lately I haven’t felt like I needed one. Food Aversions :: nothing specific Food Cravings :: nothing specific Sleep :: I am so […]