baby shaver #4 is a…

Like Emmaline & Paisley, Aaron and I planned to find out the gender of our fourth baby at 16-weeks. The way my appointments fell I didn’t have a normal appointment scheduled with my doctor, but she told me I could come in just for the sneak peek ultrasound so that’s what I did. I scheduled it as early as I could (8am) and they had me in and out within the hour. Every time we have the ultrasound tech put the picture saying what it is in a separate envelope so we can open it together.

Leading up to the appointment, I grew more and more excited but I also grew anxious. I’ve grown to know that God gives us what we need, and if that was a fourth girl, than awesome. Honestly, there were a lot of pros to having another girl – we had all the stuff and I didn’t have to change my language (I say “come on ladies” a lot haha) to name a couple. But a boy… man what a dream come true for this “I thought I’d have all boys” lady.

I drove home and ran into the house with Aaron awaiting my arrival. We did our tradition of setting up the camera, grabbing scissors to open the envelope and the youngest baby sitting with us.

When we were ready and hit record, the same butterflies visited my stomach that come every time.

With previous gender reveals, we close our eyes and Aaron says “open” so we can read the gender at the exact same moment. Well I don’t know what happened because Aaron said that and then he opened his eyes (without telling me) and saw the gender while my eyes were still closed (watch the video hahaha it’s hilarious!). Once I heard him tell me to open my eyes and I read the words, I… well… I’ll let you watch the video πŸ˜‰

IT’S A BOY!!!!

I mean, what is even happening!?!?!?!? Just typing those three letters gives my heart all the feels.

The Shaver name lives through…

Spencer Myles

To say we are all excited feels like such an understatement. Aaron is pumped beyond words and even though I’m excited, I’m even more excited for him!

Well, we have lots to prepare for (can you say “we need boy clothes!?!?!” hahaha).

Want to watch the girls’ videos and read their announcement posts?

Enjoy these throwbacks πŸ™‚


