becoming zoo members

On Friday (5.18.18), I woke up with a desire to get out of the house and do some kind of activity with my crew. I started Googling things to do around town and eventually came across the zoo. I offered it as an option at breakfast and Aaron said that sounded great. We checked prices and noticed that it would only cost an extra $40 on top of our admission for the day to get an annual pass, so we decided that was the best option. I am so glad we became members, because Rylie was instantly transfixed with the exhibits.




We toured half of the zoo before stopping to eat our packed lunch, but Rylie was so distracted with everything going on around her that she only took a couple bites.


Although she was intently looking into every exhibit we showed her, she would say her favorites were the red panda, orangutan monkey, coyotes and the construction workers 😛




We wrapped up our trip by letting Rylie play in the splash pad by the front entrance. It was her first time playing in a splash pad and she loved it! Here’s a video of her playing in it that is sure to bring a smile to your face 🙂

We had a blast and often shared how much fun we were having. On the drive home, Aaron and I both expressed our excitement that we were zoo members and we loved how much Rylie enjoyed the trip. It’s so fun to have the freedom now to take Rylie as often as we want – so don’t be surprised if you see more photos 😉 😝