bump update :: 25 weeks

25 weeks and definitely starting to feel big (which isn’t super ideal since I still have 15 more weeks to go haha).

Week 25:

Symptoms :: I’ve felt very rundown this week and extra emotional. Short patience and tears were common this week unfortunately 🙁

Food Aversions :: nothing specific

Food Cravings :: homemade popcorn with sour patch candy

Sleep :: once I laid down, I was gone within minutes. I wake up throughout the night for various reasons but nothing abnormal.

Looking Forward To :: my doctor’s appointment next week

Fun Stories :: Aaron shared a conversation he had at work with a coworker and his boss. His coworker asked how his boss’s wife was doing (she’s pregnant as well and due in March). “She’s very pregnant.” was his response. Aaron chuckled and agreed, “yeah – Sarah is getting very pregnant!”

I laughed, knowing what he meant and thinking it was humorous.