bump update :: 29 weeks

On Sunday (3.14.21) I said to Aaron in passing, “I’m 29 weeks today. That means we have 10 weeks before he’s here.” we both sat silently in that statement for a moment. With all three of the girls I went into labor within the 39th week, so it’s easy to assume the same will happen with our son.

“Wow, we have a lot to do!” Aaron replied. “Yeah,” I said, “we do.”

Week 29:

Symptoms :: my mouth has been more sensitive in the mornings (think tender gums) and I’ve had Braxton Hicks every day…

Food Aversions :: nothing specific

Food Cravings :: nothing specific

Sleep :: Paisley is waking up around 5:30am, so….so am I. By the end of the day I am exhausted and will go to bed between 8:30-9pm. I wake up a few times throughout the night too.

Looking Forward To :: writing down my to-do list so I can start crossing stuff off.

Fun Stories :: mainly the conversation Aaron and I had at the top of this post.