bump update :: 30 weeks

We are in the single digits people!!! Finally wrote down a to-do list to get done before he arrives and plan on taking it in bites so I’m regularly doing something vs. holding off until the week of ;P haha

Week 30:

Symptoms :: heartburn (whoop) in the evening sometimes, physically tired faster & Braxton hicks often. Oh, and I have to use the bathroom more because if I don’t, I start cramping. The downside to this is it’s not even a lot of pee that comes out of me, just a small amount… it’s ridiculous haha

Food Aversions :: nothing specific

Food Cravings :: nothing specific

Sleep :: finally got Paisley’s sleep figured out so I’m up for the day around 6:30am but I still wake up a few times a night to roll over and get comfortable again/

Looking Forward To :: planning out my to-do list so I have a clearer vision of what I’m accomplishing when

Fun Stories :: Rylie & Emmaline felt Spencer moving in my belly for the first time and their faces were priceless. I have to get it on video!