bump update :: 32 weeks


Symptoms :: I’ve had a couple brief braxton hicks moments which has been grreeeeaaatttt (do you hear my sarcasm?) and I can’t seem to eat enough at lunchtime. Heartburn started to regularly occur shortly after dinner and right before bed. I remember getting this a lot with Emmaline (I didn’t get it much with Rylie) which is one of the reasons I ate cereal every night. It hasn’t worked with this one yet so I have yet to find the secret food that helps haha.

Food Aversions :: nothing specific

Food Cravings :: pretzels and nutella

Sleep :: I’m really tired when I first wake up but once I get going I’m usually okay. I wake up multiple times throughout the night – sometimes to use the bathroom, sometimes to just roll over.

Looking Forward To :: maternity pictures

Baby Purchases :: Nothing.

Fun Stories :: I had to take Rylie and Emmaline with me to my doctor’s appointment and  Rylie was so excited to go to “baby Paisley’s doctor.” All the nurses and doctors absolutely loved seeing them too. Emmaline was her usual talkative self whereas Rylie clung to the wall with a face of pure concern the entire time. But once we got in the car, Rylie said, “that was fun!”
