bump update :: 32 weeks

Even though it’s still the beginning of April, this month is flying by. I knew these last few weeks would go quickly though which is why I’m really buckling down on getting some stuff crossed off my list.

Week 32:

Symptoms :: I’m moving/getting things done slower and I’m 100% okay with that. My stomach gets full fast so I’m grazing more throughout the day vs. eating big meals.

Food Aversions :: nothing specific

Food Cravings :: fresh strawberries (hello strawberry patch!)

Sleep :: I wake up any time to turn and I get up once to use the restroom.

Looking Forward To :: my baby shower this week 🙂

Fun Stories :: we’re nearing the end and it’s fun and overwhelming. I’m a mix of “I’m so excited for him to be here!” and “I have a lot to do so you can stay inside for a while longer” haha