bump update :: 36 weeks

We’re on baby watch people! I’m constantly some form of uncomfortable & my body is tired (like it is when it’s getting ready for something big). water is my BFF and pretty much everyone knows I am taking it slow and not doing my normal activities.

Week 36:

Symptoms :: I’ve been so physically uncomfortable & tired this week.

Food Aversions :: food in general is tricky. sometimes I’m really hungry and other times I want nothing to do with food.

Food Cravings ::  water. so much water.

Sleep :: I wake up regularly throughout the night and can easily take a nap (usually mid-morning).

Looking Forward To :: getting labor done so we can snuggle our sweet boy

Fun Stories :: the girls have been playing “baby” for weeks now. every day (multiple times a day) they are pregnant (stuffed animal stuffed up their shirt), deliver the baby and then proudly carry around and care for their baby until they’re pregnant again ;P Rylie is also all about reading books that involve a new baby and continually tells me how excited she is for Baby Spencer to be here.

Also, definitely went to the hospital again. It was Sunday (5.2.21) at 1:30am when we finally decided to head that way. I had been cramping/contracting all day Saturday (5.1.21) and he felt so low. I started timing my contractions and they were 10/20 minutes a part. I went to bed but was woken up to contractions 5-10 minutes a part and after calling the on-call nurse to explain what was going on, she without hesitation told me to come in because if I was actually in labor they would likely want to stop it because it was “too early.” We got there by 2:30am and they checked me (I was closed) and monitored me for over an hour. They ended up discharging me saying I wasn’t in labor and my uterus was likely just “working out” because it was so stretched from my previous pregnancies – it was getting ready for labor. Weird, but also made sense. We got home at 5am, exhausted.