bump update :: 38 weeks

Alrighty friends – this is my last bump update for Little Man. I likely won’t get far enough into the 39th week to make an accurate post so this is it.

As always, thank you for sharing this journey with me & being invested in how I’m feeling week to week. It’s been fun.

Week 38:

Symptoms :: cramping / contracting. physically tired & bending over is near impossible haha

Food Aversions :: nothing specific

Food Cravings ::  fruit, homemade meals & donuts

Sleep :: I wake up every two/three hours. yay (do you hear my sarcasm? haha). I mean, I use the restroom every time, but still.

Looking Forward To :: officially meeting Spencer

Fun Stories ::  we were shopping at SAMs Club the other day and I had multiple people say “that better be a boy!” while pointing to my tummy. I laughed and said it was, but I also was thinking I’d never gotten that reaction before. What if it was a girl!? Haha

One Reply to “bump update :: 38 weeks”

  1. […] 38-week doctor’s appointment was pretty uneventful – just routine checks. I was still only 1/2 […]

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