Doing a little bit of catch up today and sharing the last few weeks of bump updates.
Week 10:
Symptoms :: I’m stating to bump and man was I feeling it. Shoutout to belly balm because it was my saving grace this week.
Food Aversions :: nothing specific
Food Cravings :: nothing specific
Sleep :: it’s pretty normal.
Looking Forward To :: my appointment
Fun Stories :: every day (multiple times a day) my sweet 4-year-old Rylie comes up to me, rubs my belly and says “Mommy, I love the new baby!” <3
Week 11:
Symptoms :: nausea came back this week but exhaustion hit way harder than before. Also broke out the maternity clothes this week. I love the extra wiggle room.
Food Aversions :: nothing specific
Food Cravings :: fruit
Sleep :: I wake up once or twice a night. No reason, just because.
Looking Forward To :: getting into the second trimester.
Fun Stories :: the bump has been coming in people and I have been feeling this one. Soreness is a big one here but I love bumping so I’m down haha
Week 12:
Symptoms :: thankfully my nausea is not as intense as it used to be! As long as I eat fairly regularly and drink lots of water, I’m usually good. But by bedtime (7pm), I’m usually down for the count and ready to lay in my bed.
Food Aversions :: nothing specific
Food Cravings :: at 7/7:30pm my stomach desperately wants something but it doesn’t just want anything… I’ve had eggos, popcorn and pie so far this week haha
Sleep :: when I’m asleep, I’m gone. Nothing can wake me. But I do still wake up once or twice a night…
Looking Forward To :: when I can tell people I feel back to normal haha
Fun Stories :: Rylie is 100% convinced the baby is a boy, so I asked her what she wanted to name it. She thought for maybe two-seconds and then said, “Peter Parker.” Aaron and I instantly started laughing. A huge smile came on her face and she said, “Peter Parker Spiderman. Yeah! That sounds good.”