bump update :: week 14

Week 14:


Symptoms ::  Munchies (I constantly want food in my mouth. I may not be hungry, but I want to snack…)

Food Aversions :: Nothing Specific.

Food Cravings ::  Eggs (I have to have them every morning or I feel incomplete haha), rice, and buttered noodles.

Sleep :: I toss and turn sometimes when I first lay down, but I wake up before my alarm every morning. I’m usually awake and ready for the day but of course I’d prefer to fall back asleep 😛

Looking Forward To :: Our 16 week appointment next week.

Baby Purchases :: Nothing.

Fun Stories ::  Sitting on the couch with Rylie the other day, I had her on my lap facing me, and between her giggles and chatting, she rested her head on my tummy. I don’t think she intentionally did that, but it was cute to see her getting close to her little sibling already <3