bump update :: week 16

Week 16

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Symptoms :: I was definitely more tired this week (& last) then I have been the last few weeks. However, we did go up to Seattle to visit friends + family, which I know caused a lot of that exhaustion.

Food Aversions :: fast food. I just want home-cooked meals.

Food Cravings :: unfortunately, nothing. My body is still a little confused when it should be eating because I messed it up with the time change when we visited Seattle, so it doesn’t know what it wants most of the time.

Sleep :: I sleep great! Normally, I sleep on my back, but the last couple nights I’ve only been comfortable on my sides. & last night, I HAD to sleep with my body pillow to be comfortable.

Looking Forward To :: getting the baby stuff organized and creating its space

Baby Purchases :: we were blessed with a few gifts & even more gift cards at our Washington Baby Shower – so we have decided to hold off on buying anything for the baby for a couple weeks.

Fun Stories :: Church of the Highlands is starting their Summer semester of small groups  this weekend, so earlier this week I found a couple I wanted to participate in. Guess what!? They were both for pregnant ladies only! :0 I’m so excited to meet and grow with ladies who are in the same season of life with me.