bump update :: week 17

Week 17


Symptoms :: Much to my surprise, my body has gone back to needing food on a regular basis to feel okay. So I snack on fruit or eat a little something every couple hours. I also have to drink more water (which consequently makes me feel like I need to use the bathroom all the time).

Food Aversions :: nothing really…

Food Cravings :: Strawberries

Sleep :: I’m only comfortable on my sides with my body pillow. But I’ve been sleeping well.

Looking Forward To :: figuring out the perfect way to announce what gender we’re having.

Baby Purchases :: nothing.

Fun Stories :: You may notice in the picture that my stomach looks a little red… well, that’s because it is. My mother-in-law & I had the opportunity to chill poolside yesterday so we did, and although it felt so nice, I ended up burning my baby bump & legs hahahahahaha 😀 it’s super funny, but also hurts a little bit. Oh well. 😛