bump update :: week 17

Week 17:

week 17

Symptoms ::  I get physically tired quickly. And my belly has been achy at random times (I remember this feeling being associated with my belly growing bigger…)

Food Aversions :: I try to stay away from sugar (like cookies, candy, cupcakes, etc.) because I just don’t feel good after.

Food Cravings ::  Soup with a grilled cheese sandwich

Sleep :: I wake up before my alarm every morning, which is a bummer. But when I absolutely have to get up, I’m feeling rested, which is a nice change!

Looking Forward To :: I’ve been doing some daydreaming lately of Rylie and Emma’s relationship. How they’ll play together, giggle together, how Emma will probably follow Rylie around and want to do everything Big Sister does – things like that.

Baby Purchases ::  Nothing.

Fun Stories ::  Although I’m showing much sooner than I did with Rylie, some people still think I’m not showing at all. Of course I’m not to the point where I can’t see my feet, but I am showing some and I honestly think it depends on what I’m wearing as to if other’s can see my little bump well or not.