bump update :: week 19

Week 19


Symptoms :: I had a hard time eating this week for some reason. I didn’t get hungry very often and when I did, I didn’t eat much. Honestly though, I think it was nerves for our Dr. appointment Wednesday (since that’s when we found out what gender the baby was). I feel like I was more emotional this week too for some reason.

Food Aversions :: Nothing really…

Food Cravings :: When we went out to dinner for our 2 year anniversary, I REALLY wanted steak.

Sleep :: The last few nights this week I have not been sleeping as well as I have in the past. My legs are restless before I go to sleep and I wake up often throughout the night.

Looking Forward To :: Organizing the baby space + deciding how we want to decorate it.

Baby Purchases :: A stroller from Babies R Us + multiple things from the thrift store like onsies, a diaper bag, floor mats with letters/numbers on them, storage, and a couple toys.

Fun Stories :: Aaron & I found out what gender the baby is. It’s been so much fun being able to celebrate that + start purchasing things. 😛