bump update :: week 19

Week 19:


Symptoms ::  A growing belly and feeling more baby kicks 🙂

Food Aversions :: Sugar (like sweets) but that’s just because it doesn’t make me feel good… no matter what time of day I have it at.

Food Cravings ::  Cold turkey sandwich (which I’m  not supposed to have during pregnancy so that sucks lol)

Sleep :: I’ve gotten to the point where I am more comfortable if I have 3 pillows – one for my head, one for between my knees, and one for my feet. Pretty soon I’ll need another one for my belly 😛

Looking Forward To :: Having more concrete plans for some things. I’m starting to realize there’s some things that we need to start planning for, like: a baby shower (are we having one since it’s another girl?) || maternity pictures || when am I packing my hospital bag (and will anything different go in than last time or will I decide some things really weren’t necessary) || what do we NEED to have (stuff wise) before Emmaline comes || what’s happening to Rylie when I go into labor || what does maternity leave from work look like  (do I wait until I go into labor, what does pay look like, life during, etc.)

Baby Purchases ::  None.

Fun Stories ::  With Rylie’s birthday being this past week, she’s been getting a couple gifts in the mail from extended family in Washington and one of the things she got was a baby doll. It was so sweet to watch her pat the baby doll’s head (a little aggressively at first but once we said “gentle” she eased up), try to say “baby” (she was actually pretty close) and her attempt of giving it a hug. It was a sweet picture of what her first interactions with Emmaline could be like.