bump update :: week 20

Week 20:


Symptoms ::  I’ve been tired lately… but I’ve also been pretty busy. But I’m making it a priority to not commit to so many things so I can rest.

Food Aversions :: Nothing specific.

Food Cravings ::  Eggs, peanut butter, and water 😛

Sleep :: I’ve been sleeping pretty well. I go into a really deep sleep but I do wake up once or twice a night to roll over. And I always wake up before my alarm.

Looking Forward To :: Feeling Emmaline kick and more around more. I haven’t really felt her this week.

Baby Purchases ::  Nothing.

Fun Stories ::  I was hanging out with some friends the other night and I turned to do something and they gasped, pointed and said, “Oh my gosh! You’re really showing now!” and we all started laughing at how shocked and quickly they reacted 😃 Thankfully, I don’t mind if my close friends point at my belly… now if you’re a stranger or not that close to me… I’d think twice 😝