bump update :: week 22

Week 22


Symptoms :: My belly has been getting bigger and I have definitely felt it! Mainly in my lower back (because it will start hurting) and my stomach muscles (it feels kinda like cramping).

Food Aversions :: Nothing

Food Cravings :: No – but there have been times where I have somewhat craved water.

Sleep :: I’ve been so tired this week (but I was also getting up at 6am during Summer Blast + the normal day-to-day activities) and I’ve had a rough time getting a full, good nights rest. I started establishing somewhat of a “bedtime routine” and that has helped.

Looking Forward To :: Nothing specific – just soaking everything in 🙂

Baby Purchases :: A few onsies and a couple toys.

Fun Stories :: Rylie loves to move around and kick! It’s been so fun to feel her & Aaron has been able to feel her too. Also, my belly button is becoming an outie, which is so weird to me. When I first noticed it, I said out loud to Aaron, “AHHH!!!! I can see the inside of my belly button!!!! That’s SOOOOOO weird!!!!” 😛 hahahahaha.