bump update :: week 25

Week 25


Symptoms :: My belly button is officially an outie (or it’s flat and stretched out). My appetite is nonexistent sometimes (which my doctor said is normal and totally okay – she said just to eat when I’m hungry).

Food Aversions :: Nothing specific.

Food Cravings :: Chocolate chip cookies

Sleep :: Thankfully, my sleep has gotten so much better compared to last week. I’ve learned that I cannot take naps in the middle of the day if I want to fall asleep at a reasonable hour at bedtime.

Looking Forward To :: Holding our baby girl <3

Baby Purchases :: A couple sets of hangers for her clothes. She already has quite the collection (but I’m sure we need more…)

Fun Stories :: Rylie loves to move and kick, and it’s strong enough now that you can feel it from the outside. The other night, Aaron and I were laying in bed and she was kicking up a storm. Aaron had his hand on my belly and she was basically kick-boxing with him because of how frequently and intensely he felt it. It was so awesome!