bump update :: week 25



Symptoms :: Lots of movement from baby girl and I did a lot more physical activity so by the time bedtime came I had no problem falling asleep.

Food Aversions :: I’m still being strategic with what I eat because my mouth was still healing but it was a lot easier to eat 😀 Nothing sounded bad this week.

Food Cravings :: Hawaii’s açaí bowls were definitely a thing I LOVED! I always enjoyed ice cream too and there were some Hawaii dishes that I could’ve totally had more than once.

Sleep :: The time change was a really hard adjustment when we got back home. We had jet lag for days (Hawaii is 5 hours ahead of Alabama). But when I could sleep, I was gone for sure.

Looking Forward To :: sitting down with my calendar and mapping out a few thing (maternity pictures, baby shower, etc.)

Baby Purchases :: Nothing.

Fun Stories :: Coming back home from Hawaii and being greeted by Rylie and Emmaline was wonderful, but I was quickly reminded how much I enjoyed not having a little person constantly climbing over my belly or plopping in my lap and having to explain to the plopper to be more gentle. 😛