bump update :: week 26

Week 26

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Symptoms :: Rylie went through a growth spurt this week (just look at my bump from last week to this week) so literally every day I was in some kind of discomfort or pain as my body was accommodating her growth. This lead me to be physically exhausted most days (I did end up indulging in a couple brief naps).

Food Aversions :: Nothing specific.

Food Cravings :: Nothing really, but there were a couple times I really wanted fruit

Sleep :: Depends on the night. Sometimes I wake up 4 to 5 times throughout the night and other times it’s only once of twice. I usually wake up feeling rested but look and feel exhausted by the late morning.

Looking Forward To :: Our baby shower 🙂

Baby Purchases :: A couple onsies

Fun Stories :: Aaron and I got a crib for her this week 😀 Not much left to do for her little space now other than organize.