bump update :: week 34

Week 34


Symptoms :: I’ve been more exhausted lately and have actually ended up taking a mid-day nap a couple days this week. Some days I’m really hungry and could eat all day and other days I have to snack throughout the day or I will forget to eat.

Food Aversions :: Nothing specific

Food Cravings :: Apples with salt on them

Sleep :: Getting comfortable takes time, and 50% of this past week I was sleeping horribly, but the other 50% I slept fine. I have taken a couple mid-day naps this week too.

Looking Forward To :: Our 2 baby showers this weekend 😀

Baby Purchases :: Nothing this week.

Fun Stories :: I absolutely loved sharing our maternity photos with everyone! The comments you guys typed were so kind and I cannot wait to get the photos printed and hung up around our house 🙂