bump update :: week 37

Week 37:


Symptoms ::  Crampy, crampy, crampy. And my back is constantly in discomfort (borderline pain) whenever I walk or move in bed.

Food Aversions ::  Nothing specific

Food Cravings ::  Nothing specific.

Sleep ::  I don’t sleep well 🙁 I’m up probably every 2 hours (maybe less) either going to the bathroom or cringing from my back hurting as I roll over. And, even though I’ve had weird dreams this whole pregnancy, they’ve been extra weird lately.

Looking Forward To :: Honestly, I’m ready to just get labor over with. I remember reaching that point with Rylie too (mainly because I didn’t know what to expect and I was nervous and was just ready to be done), but now that I’ve gone through labor, I’m definitely ready to get past the pain and enjoy the blessing! <3

Baby Purchases :: On Thursday (3.15.18) I heard on the news that Babies R Us / Toys R Us declared bankruptcy. One article said they were only accepting gift cards for another 30 days, and since we had a decent amount from friends, we scurried to the store to spend them before they weren’t good anymore. We got a couple things for Rylie, but for Emmaline specifically we got:

  • Head wraps / bows
  • Pacifier
  • Nursing supplies

Fun Stories ::  I had my doctor’s appointment on Tuesday (3.20.18) and everything (per usual) looked great. We talked about labor and what signs I need to be looking for. I was half a centimeter dilated (which is a little disappointing because I thought I was further along 😝) but we’re without a doubt head down and progressing in the right direction, so that’s exciting.