Baby Sprinkle (shower), an engagement in the family, ice cream craving fulfilled!? Talk about a week 😉 Don’t let the list fool you though, I had a couple rough days this week too where I wasn’t focusing on my blessings, but on my struggles. But after a good talk with my best friend and […]
being rylie
the ending of our cloth diaper journey
When we were pregnant with Rylie, I had done some research and found out that the average family pays between $2-3,000 a year on disposable diapers, but a family who does cloth diapers only spends a few hundred. 22 years old and living paycheck to paycheck, we were definitely up for any “money savers” and […]
emmaline’s baby shower
On Saturday (2.24.18) I had my baby sprinkle for Emmaline. The theme was “a girls brunch,” and my dear friend, Kendyl, helped me plan it, decorate and host. I think it turned out perfectly – it was small and simple, which is what I really wanted. fun fact :: that pink tassel banner was originally […]
random photos of rylie – february 2018
Lately, it feels like Rylie turned into a toddler overnight. She’s walking (and getting really good at it!), talking (she almost always has something to say… I wonder where she got that from 😝 ), and exploring. With an always-on-the-go toddler, I’m thankful for phones with easy camera access so we can snag those “this […]
thankful thursday #8
As you’ll be able to tell from my list below, I feel like there were quite a few things to be thankful for this week. From witnessing a big milestone with Rylie to getting packages delivered on our doorstep, this past week provided lots of opportunities for me to be grateful. Thankful Thursday […]
little family of 3
Even though I was 19 weeks pregnant, I really wanted to get some family photos of our little family of 3. In November 2017, a photographer friend of mine offered to take them and I gladly took her up on it. We just got them back and I love them! I can’t wait to get them […]
rylie’s first steps
In October 2017, Aaron and I confidently said, “oh Rylie will definitely be walking by her 1st birthday!” When that came and went, we said, “oh she’ll definitely be walking by Thanksgiving.” That came and went. Then Christmas. Then we decided our goal was that she’d be walking before Emmaline arrived in early April. Surely […]
the best kind of weekend
The last few weekends have been a little busy and not as relaxing as we like, so when I was looking at the calendar late last week and saw Saturday was completely empty, we purposefully didn’t fill it with anything. Friday We started our weekend off by dropping Rylie off for a sleepover with […]
banana bread recipe
There is something so magical about baking on a rainy day in a quiet house – especially when you’re indulging a craving you’ve been having. 😉 On Sunday (2.11.18) afternoon, Rylie was down for her nap and Aaron was still serving at church, so I knew I had my window to make this delicious dish! […]
thankful thursday #6
I realized that these Thankful Thursday posts could almost be renamed “Weekly Update” because pretty much every post I share at least one event or moment that happened that week 😝 It’s been great though because I feel like most of what I’ve shared I could have just logged away as another moment, but the […]