Not only is our girl 9 months old, but she’s also been out of my belly as long as she was in it 😛 Although I had a pretty smooth pregnancy, having Rylie outside my belly has been way more fun! She definitely has a calling on her life to bring joy to others, because […]
being rylie
rylie – 9 months old
She has officially been out of my tummy for as long as she was in it! Ahhh! 😀 LIKES :: playing with her shaped blocks & taking them out of their container being lifted up onto her legs (she stands and dances and then falls back on her bottom) bath time / playing in the water […]
beeswax park with the tribe
Over the weekend, the tribe decided to spend SATURDAY (8.5.17) at the lake. After a small breakfast, we packed our gear and headed out. Rylie loved the water (of course), and even though she spent some time in her floater, she really enjoyed us taking her out and free-roaming the lake. We ate some lunch […]
our 1st barons baseball game
On THURSDAY (8.3.17), I got a text from Aaron asking if I would like to go to a Barons baseball game with Zac & Kendyl. Zac had been given 4 tickets at work for free and asked Kendyl if Aaron & I would like to join them. I quickly replied “yes!” Background :: Aaron […]
MOTION is the name of Church of the Highlands student conference that they’ve hosted for the past 9 years. This year, it was held at the BJCC with 16,000+ students from across the country. It’s a phenomenal event that I was excited to be apart for the very first time. I was asked to serve […]
fistful of sand, Disney swim suit & wet feet
The first time we took Rylie to the lake, it was the end of April and even though it was warm, the lake was not. She was also only 5 months old and she was still using the baby bathtub. All that to say, looking back, Rylie wasn’t ready. Now, Rylie sits up in the […]
rylie’s favorite snack
Like I shared in Rylie’s 7 month update, she is VERY vocal about her desire to eat the food that is on our plate – especially at dinner. We had an idea one night and it has become a new favorite. CHEERIOS! It’s become a big event! We get home, dish our own dinner, put […]
mommy’s bath toys
A couple weeks ago, I was digging through a box in attempts to organize it and get rid of things I didn’t need to keep around. In that box, I found some old Winnie-the-Pooh bath toys that I remembered seeing in my own baby photos, so I cleaned them up and threw them into Rylie’s […]
serve day 2017
On SATURDAY (7.15.17) our church had their annual SERVE Day. Outreach is not everyone’s spiritual gift (I can tell you right now, it’s not mine), but our pastor strongly encourages the congregation to participate one Saturday of the year and serve their community. It’s an effort that has motivated many people, and multiple churches across the country (+ other countries) participated with […]
being rylie – 7 months old
Videos of 7 month old Rylie are ready for your viewing 😉 Half of Rylie’s 7th month was spent in Seattle, so these are the videos I took of her once we got back to Alabama.