Confession – I used to think “pregnancy brain” was just an excuse pregnant ladies made to get out of stuff or seem less dumb… um, yeah, I was abruptly put into my place when I realized they weren’t lying – pregnancy brain is very real and I have it… I’m so sorry pregnant ladies who […]
being rylie
3rd trimester overview
Technically, I’m still in the 3rd trimester, but since I’m already on my 37th week and it’s quickly coming to a close, I figured I’d share with you a general overview of these past 10 weeks. Check out my 1st Trimester Overview and my 2nd Trimester Overview to see some of my other Favorite Things, […]
bump update :: week 36
Week 36 Symptoms :: Do I look tired in the picture above? haha that’s because I am. Doesn’t matter how much rest I get, I always seem to be tired. My appetite has gone down significantly, so I snack a lot or eat small meal portions. I’m a slow walker and I definitely waddle. If I move […]
bible verses for labor
About a week ago, I was reading my Bible and I decided I wanted to make a list of Bible verses for me to read while I’m in labor. The goal is that reading + speaking God’s word during this time will be encouraging and give me supernatural strength. So I did some research and […]
my bump blocks my rain-boots
I went off to my 2nd Fall Mini Session SUNDAY (10.16.16) after a rainy morning and wanted to take a picture with my rain-boots. I pulled my phone out before my clients arrived and went to take a picture, only to realize I couldn’t see my feet… pregnancy problems! 😛 I moved my phone around […]
our hospital bags
Sorry for the late post this morning guys! I had great ambitions to post early this morning but then my body decided to start having Braxton Hicks and it’s thrown off my whole day… I did think it was a bit ironic though considering Braxton Hicks is your body prepping for labor and I just finished […]
bump update :: week 35
Week 35 Symptoms :: Almost every day, usually in the mornings, my body starts to feel extremely “off” – I suddenly become weak and I get lightheaded and the only cure (that I have found) is drinking a couple glasses of juice. Being tired is just apart of my life. I get cramps occasionally which my […]
rylie’s baby shower #2 – inside out
For a little less than a year, we’ve been going to a small group (not associated with Church of the Highlands) and have become very close friends with the people there. So SUNDAY (10.9.16), the ladies put together a co-ed baby shower for us, and the theme was from the Disney/Pixar movie Inside Out 😀 […]
rylie’s baby shower
SATURDAY (10.8.16) was our baby shower. We hosted it outside in our backyard which was magnificent since the weather was perfect! My sister-in-law, Amerblyn, did an incredible job with the decorations (she also gets full credit for all the pictures taken 🙂 ). My mother-in-law, Michelle, and I were in charge of food so we spent […]
bump update :: week 34
Week 34 Symptoms :: I’ve been more exhausted lately and have actually ended up taking a mid-day nap a couple days this week. Some days I’m really hungry and could eat all day and other days I have to snack throughout the day or I will forget to eat. Food Aversions :: Nothing specific Food Cravings :: Apples […]