christmas – 2022

Christmas snuck up on me this year. I was completely prepared and counted down the days but it still didn’t feel like Christmas to me. In a weird way, it felt like I was forcing it… nonetheless, it was a phenomenal weekend and I’m excited to do a quick recap on the blog today.

Christmas Eve

We woke up and got ready to go over to my in-law’s for Christmas Eve Brunch. Every family brought something to share and we feasted on sticky buns, sausage + bacon, eggs, waffles, fruit, biscuits & gravy and orange juice.

After breakfast, we gathered in the living room for the kid’s gifts.

I surprised my sister-in-law & mother-in-law with a custom made puzzle cutting board which they loved! I’m so thankful to my friend for making this unique piece for us to treasure.

We stayed for another hour or so playing, resting and snuggling my sister-in-law’s newborn babes.

Next on the calendar was our church’s candlelight service.

When we got home, our Christmas Eve traditions began – dinner, family polaroid and Christmas movie. This year we added “sleep in the living room” which was something I grew up doing too.

Christmas Day

The big girls were all giggly when I went to bed, so Aaron stayed up and put the gifts under the tree for everyone to wake up to. Honestly, it slightly brought me back to the magic of my childhood – waking up and finding a tree overflowing with gifts.

After Paisley woke up and helped me make breakfast, we got everyone else up and gathered in the living room to start distributing gifts. In pure chaos, everyone opened their gifts at the same time. It was so fun to see and hear the girls’ excitement and they would run around hugging everyone yelling “THANK YOU!”

Opening gifts took 10-minutes, then we had breakfast and watched our church’s short Christmas service online.

The rest of the day was very low-key and truthfully didn’t feel like Christmas. We just hung out, napped, I finished a book, played with our toys, ate dinner and watched Elf one more time before settling down for bedtime.

I hope you and your family had a beautiful Christmas weekend!