egg my yard fundraiser

We took advantage of the holiday and offered something unique to families in our local communities. I posted it in our Adoption Facebook group, some mom Facebook groups and community groups and got a great response.

In the description, I included the link to our Google Form which is where they signed up and paid us.

We ordered our eggs off Dollar Tree and got the candy from WalMart.

We took a couple evenings to pack the eggs based on the orders we received. The kiddos even helped out and did a great job!

It’s moments like this that I see so much beauty in our adoption journey. Our kids are so excited & involved in every step. They see it all. They tell everyone we’re adopting with such pride & regularly ask us when we’ll be bringing our newest member home.
If you’re hesitance with adoption is how your kids will respond, it’s a lot more beautiful than you think! 

When the day before Easter came (Saturday, 4.16.22), it was predicted to be rainy, thunderstorms and just yuck all evening and into Easter morning. This changed our plans to setting out the eggs in people’s yards to just dropping them off on their porch. I texted all our customers the update and they were all understanding. A couple of them asked me to put the eggs in baskets they set out, which I was happy to do!

Aaron spent the morning routing our drive and I packaged the eggs + wrote thank you cards to each family sharing how much we raised for our adoption.

We loaded up the kids with toys and snacks and headed out.

Aaron and I had a great system and we were able to drop off all 23 egg bundles within 5 1/2 hours. It was exhausting and definitely would have gone faster if we didn’t have the kids, but we made the best of it and are glad the kids got to experience the sacrifice this journey requires.

another fundraiser in the books 💕 so thankful for all the families who let us help them out this Easter with pre-filled eggs & delivery (us hiding them got canceled due to weather).one step closer…