emmaline – 2 years old

The closer Emmaline’s birthday came the more growth I saw in her. She acts 2. The way she talks, plays, interacts, all the things. She is definitely 2.


  • Eating
  • Tomaotes
  • Cheese
  • Water
  • Playing with Rylie
  • Playing alone
  • Being independent
  • Giving hugs
  • Fashion (she deeply cares about her outfits, shoes, hair & sunglasses)
  • Her Bunny


  • Rylie taking something from her
  • Being forced to do something


Emmaline is known in my small group as “the kid that always has a snack in her hand.” hahah her love for food is definitely noticed. There are lots of favorites, specifically cheese and tomatoes (weird, huh!?). She cannot get enough tomatoes. We might need to plant a garden.

We have come across some things Emmaline doesn’t care for, but she’ll let you know by scrunching up her face, shaking her head and saying, “no ike it” followed by a walk to the trash and a fake (or real) spit. Her walk back to her seat is with such pride it’s really quite humorous.

The girls drinks so much water. I upgraded her to an adult water bottle soon after she turned 1-year because I could not keep filling up her little kiddy water bottle haha.


Emmaline shares a room with Rylie, so who knows when those two actually stop playing or talking and fall asleep πŸ˜› But she’s in her room around 8pm and is ready to seize the day between 7 and 7:30 am.

Although there was a long stint where naps were not a thing, I’ve brought it back and relabeled it “quiet time” so the girls can stay up and play, read or sleep. But they do have to stay in their separate rooms. They go down at 12 pm and Emmaline typically is up for half the time then falls asleep the second half. By 3 pm, I open the bedroom door and if she’s still sleeping, I leave the door open but don’t wake her. I’ve learned the hard way that Emmaline is NOT someone you should wake up. Really – it’s for your own sanity to let her sleep until her body is ready to be awake.


Emmaline is still as passionate as can be. Thankfully, her vocabulary exploded once she turned 18-months and we are continually shocked with her well-spoken words. When we don’t understand, I ask her to show me and that usually resolves it.

Her confidence is a force to be reckoned with. She walks with her head so high and slightly tilted back, we’re convinced she knows she’s royalty.

Emmaline and Rylie are best friends. But like all best friends, they have their moments. Emmaline does not like her personal space invaded and Rylie (who has no sense of the concept of personal space) is often invading Emmaline’s bubble which leads to loud exclamations of displeasure. Even though Emmaline likes to be alone, she also enjoys playing with Rylie and I’ve loved watching their relationship explode once Paisley was born.

Emmaline is our girly-girl through and through. She deeply cares about her clothes, hair style, shoes (she prefers tennis shoes) and even her accessories (mainly glasses and necklaces).

Occasionally, she creates new fashion trends – like socks on hands πŸ˜›

She is naturally drawn to the finer things in life… even at the thrift store.

She is very compassionate and deeply cares for her babies and Bunny.

Emmaline loves books. I mean loves them. She always has at least two in her bed and absolutely loves to sit in your lap while you read to her.

Emmaline is also extremely loyal. One time Paisley accidentally scratched Rylie and Emmaline immediately defended her older sister and might have punched Paisley if I wasn’t there haha

And don’t get me started on the Bunny fiasco. That’ll be a blog post for sure but the gist of it is Emmaline doesn’t care for any backup or replacement bunnies – her tattered one is all she needs πŸ˜‰


Emmaline is not known for loving physical touch, but she does love to snuggle right after quiet time, so I try to allow time for that because she seems to crave it.

Personality wise, I’ve always said her passion would be a good trait, and I’d say we’re starting to see some very small fruit of that statement. She is our toughest kid but she also makes us laugh the hardest and squeeze her until she laughs.

I love me some Emmaline Victoria!