emmaline’s 3rd birthday day

Emmaline woke up to a hallway full of streamers and a fun breakfast table set-up. She got to enjoy JACK’S for breakfast (one of her favorites) while watching one of her favorite movies – Rio.

After breakfast, we got ready for the day and headed out to her requested activity. But not before a donut stop πŸ˜‰ chocolate is her favorite.

Leading up to her birthday, Aaron asked her if there was anything she wanted. She shook her head and said, “no, I just want to be with you, and Mommy, and Lylie (Rylie) and Paisley….” queue heart-melt!

She had asked me the day before if we could take Daddy to the strawberry patch for her birthday, and we were happy to accommodate.

Apparently, because it was Easter weekend, the patch was hoppin’ and they quickly sold out of their allotted amount of strawberries. Thankfully, they let us be one of the last to get in and we were allowed to fill one bucket.

We played at their little park for a few minutes before heading home for quiet time. We played outside for the remainder of the afternoon before Emmaline and I took a little Mommy/Emmaline date to pick up dinner. On the way home, she decorated my hand in stickers claiming they were bandaids. She was very proud of her work.

To finish off the night, we enjoyed a bowl of ice cream. She got so giddy over everyone singing to her <3

Every time we asked how old she was, she’d say, “I’m THREE – ’cause it’s my birthday.” it was adorable. I occasionally asked her if she felt loved and celebrated and she always responded “oh yes!” with a ginormous smile on her face πŸ˜€ I am so glad she had such a special day.

2 Replies to “emmaline’s 3rd birthday day”

  1. Terrie Landers says:

    Happy birthday gorgeous

  2. […] this week’s episode of Life with the Shaver Crew, we’re taking you along with us on Emmaline’s birthday which was at the beginning of […]

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