emmaline’s 4th birthday day

For the first time (if I’m remembering correctly), we had the birthday party on the same day as the actual birthday. I was thankful to have already done a lot of prep beforehand, so Emmaline’s day was still special & focused on her.

She woke up surprisingly early and we snuggled on the couch as each kiddo greeted the sunny day.

Next on the agenda was getting dressed for church. Then, presents. We had set out a few for her to open, knowing she would have more at her party that afternoon.

Of course, her sisters were right there to help and see. They were especially excited to see her open the gifts they had selected for her (2 separate boxes of Lego Frozen sets and a puzzle with a lunchbox).

After breakfast, I prepped another party activity, DIY Snow, before getting ready for church myself and heading out.

After church, we booked it home and finalized decor and food while the kids had quiet time. Shortly after quiet time was over, the birthday party started.

The highlight of the party being Elsa’s surprise arrival.

After the party, we chilled in the living room, got ready for bed, reminisced on the day and went to bed exhausted but with our hearts so full.