emmaline’s frozen themed 4th birthday party

Emmaline has been anxiously awaiting her birthday (& party) since the Fall, and “Frozen” was an easy theme choice for her. She’s been a big Anna & Elsa fan for a while now and I was excited to make it happen for her.

The party started outside as guests arrived. Nothing beats playground play. I also found this easy DIY snow which was fun to have on the porch.

Shortly after, we had a special guest arrive – Elsa! She was amazing and truly had an interest in Emmaline + all her friends. Elsa chatted with them, read a story and sang “Let It Go” while everyone danced.

Emmaline was truly star-struck.

I thought this was a perfect lead into singing “Happy Birthday,” so I broke out the gorgeous cake a friend made (I’m trying to convince her to start a business) & Elsa led us.

We got a few more staged photos with Elsa as guests mingled, ate and played.

As for food, we kept it super simple – drinks, nuggets, veggies, powdered donuts, pretzels & cheese bread.

Elsa was really amazing and was so excited to see Emmaline’s themed birthday photos.

The time came where Elsa needed to leave and Emmaline gave her a big hug goodbye and thanked her for coming to her party!

Reliving her party through photos brings back all the smiles and I am so happy she felt so loved and seen.

2 Replies to “emmaline’s frozen themed 4th birthday party”

  1. […] the first time (if I’m remembering correctly), we had the birthday party on the same day as the actual birthday. I was thankful to have already done a lot of prep […]

  2. […] kicked off the month with Emmaline’s 3rd birthday, her party and all the prep that went along with […]

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