essential oils to help rsv (with shopping links)

I’m writing this post with a healthy and whole baby boy next to me, and I am so incredibly thankful.

When Spencer was diagnosed with RSV, I felt a mix of “not scared” and “very scared.” And rightfully so. RSV to toddlers and older kids is basically a rougher cold, but RSV to an infant, especially a 4-week-old, can become very serious (dangerous). The doctor told me there was no medication to help either, unless he got worse.

So the first thing I did when I got home was look up Essential Oils to help with RSV. I found a couple things, but a friend on Facebook hooked me up with a list of oils that helped with respiratory stuff. I truly believe God healed my son, but as for earthly solutions, oils 100% aided in healing him.

I’ve had a lot of people ask me what I did to assist Spencer, so I decided to share via the blog so anyone at anytime could use this tool to help their sweet child.

I am not a medical professional and definitely did a lot of research before using these oils on my infant. I’m fully comfortable using the products/oils but use your own discernment (follow that mama-gut) and talk to your pediatrician if you’re hesitant.

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For starters, I looked at the list of oils that helped with respiratory stuff. Here’s the list of oils:

(to help you out, the shopping link to all these is below)

  • Angelica
  • Basil
  • Black Spruce
  • Breathe Again
  • Cardamom
  • Clay Sage
  • Clove
  • Copiba
  • Dill
  • Douglas Fur
  • Dragon Time
  • Egyptian Gold
  • Eucalyptus
  • Frankensense
  • Ginger
  • Idaho blue spruce
  • Kidscents Sniffleease
  • Lemongrass
  • Lime
  • Melrose
  • Northern Light Black Spruce
  • Peppermint
  • Pine
  • Raven
  • R.C.
  • Spearmint
  • Tangerine
  • Tea Tree

We didn’t own all of them, but I pulled the ones we had off our shelf.

That night, I put several drops of coconut oil on his back and massaged that in to dilute the oils. From there, I put one drop of each oil on his back, one at a time, rubbing each one in before adding the next. Each drop, I aimed for right between his shoulder blades where his lungs were before rubbing it all over. I saved Breathe Again & Peppermint for last because those are great for opening up your lungs.

I did this for several nights but saw noticeable results just a couple days after.

I pray you never have to experience RSV with your baby, but if you do, I hope this helps!

You can get all the oils I listed above by shopping here.

I can honestly say each and everyone of these oils can be used for so many other things as well, which is amazing!


A couple notes:

*if your infants back appears to be getting red, add more carrier oil

**this is great to do after a bath or in the bathroom with a steamy shower running (never let the hot water touch your baby, of course)

One Reply to “essential oils to help rsv (with shopping links)”

  1. Jessica Pease says:

    Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing your testimony with Spencer. I’ll be doing this for my nephew. God bless you and your family.

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