forest animal themed snack

Today I want to share with you our themed snack for the month of January where my family focused on winter. Specifically, some of the animals in the snowy forest.

I hope you were able to snag my free printable in my last post! If you haven’t, check it out and enjoy it with this little themed snack.

Similar to my printable, I focused on five forest animals – squirl, bird, bunny, fox and a bear. I picked out a snack that best paralleled to that animal and had my girls guess which animal ate what.

Nuts for squirls.

Gummy worms for the birds.

Carrots for the bunny.

Berries for the fox.

Gold fish for the bear.

While they snacked away, I read our our Shine-a-Light Secrets of Winter book.

Are you going to try this yummy treat out? Let me know if you do and tag me on Instagram if you share a photo !
INSTAGRAM: @sarahmshaver
It would make my day!!!